FSCO License #10464
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Mortgage Application
Rent to Own Application Form:
If you have strong, reliable income to support the monthly lease payments, a sufficient security deposit, and are able to meet the required monthly credits, then qualifying to purchase a home through our Rent-to-Own/Home Rescue program might be easier than you think.
Imagine how your life might change if you could finally become a Home Owner, or to be able to save the house you thought you were going to lose due to mortgage trouble.
*For your privacy and security we Do Not ask for your SIN or Date of Birth online. Your mortgage agent will request it directly from you.
All your information is held with utmost care and strict confidentiality.
We value your trust and privacy. We're here to Help!
It's easy to get started
Fill out the form below for your No Cost, No Obligation Consultation & Analysis.
Indicates required field
Primary Applicant Contact Details: (Required)
Applicant #1 Name:(First and Last)
Phone Number
Phone Type
Postal Code
I am a
Choose One
Prospective Rent-to-own Tenant
Prospective Home Rescue Candidate
Marital Status
Select One
Property Information: (Required)
Type of Home
Please Indicate
Price Range of Home
Choose One
0 to $150,000
$150,001 to $200,000
$200,001 to $250,000
$250,001 to $300,000
$300,001 to $350,000
$350,000 +
Downpayment Available
Please Indicate
0 to $5,000
$5001 to $10,000
$10,001 to $15,000
$15,001 to $20,000
$20,000 +
What City Were You Looking to Buy in?
Property Address(If Known):
Postal Code
When are You Trying to Move in?
Choose One
30 Days or Less
60 Days or Less
6 Months or Less
More than 6 Months
How Did You Hear About Us?
Choose One
Word of Mouth
Canadian Real Estate Magazine
Other Print Media
Online Search
Online Ad
If Other, Please Specify
Primary Applicant Financial Details:
Current Employer
Business Phone Number
Years at Current Job
Annual Gross Income
Other Income
Briefly explain other income
How would you rate your credit?
Select One
Can you get a Co-signer if needed?
Secondary Applicant: (If Applicable)
Applicant #2 Name:(First and Last)
Relationship to Main Applicant
Family Member
Applicant #2 Current Employer
Applicant #2 Business Phone Number
Applicant #2 Title/Position
Applicant #2 Years at Current Job
Applicant #2 Annual Gross Income
Applicant #2 Other Income
Applicant #2, Briefly explain other income
I/we warrant and confirm that the information given in this Rent-to-Own application form is true and correct and I/we understand that it is being used to determine my/our credit responsibility.
You are authorized to obtain any information you may require for these purposes from other sources (including, for example, credit bureau) and each such source is hereby authorized to provide you with such information.
I/we also understand that the information given in the mortgage application form as well as other information you obtain in relation to my credit history may be disclosed to potential mortgage lenders, financial intermediary and mortgage insurers, organizations providing technological or other support services required in relation to this application and any other parties with whom I/we propose to have a financial relationship.
Please read the paragraph above prior to sending completed application. By transmitting the online mortgage application you are accepting the terms of the paragraph noted above.
Please click below:
I have read and understood the paragraph above and agree to the terms contained therein.
Jaime V. Mercado
Mortgage Agent
FSCO Lic#: M11002289
Direct: (416) 799-9970
[email protected]
Real Mortgage Associates
Brokerage FSCO Lic#: 10464
Phone: 1(877) 677-7778
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